Thursday, March 8, 2012

blog #5 song deconstruction

 Song 1 "Mean" Taylor Swift-

Song 2 "Enchanted" Taylor Swift-

Song 1 Listening Framework
Listening PHASE 1 Rhythm
Source-banjo and guitar
Groove-fun and breezy
Listening PHASE 2 Arrangement
Instrumentation-banjo, guitar, violin, tamborine
Structure/Organization-verse chorus verse 2 chorus verse 3 bridge chorus
Emotional Architecture- starts down and slow gets more upbeat as song progresses
Listening PHASE 3 Sound Quality
Height-high frequency
Depth-loud, lots of instruments
Song 2 Listening Framework
Listening PHASE 1 Rhythm
Groove- calm,thoughtful,hopeful, almost nostalgic
Listening PHASE 2 Arrangement
Instrumentation-drums, electric guitar, bass, violin, and acoustic guitar
Structure/Organization-verse chorus verse 2 chorus bridge chorus bridge chorus
Emotional Architecture-starts out slow and progresses then slow then progresses to a ballad

I chose to analyze two songs by the artist Taylor Swift.  The song "Mean" and the song "Enchanted".  The song "Mean" is an upbeat fun song.  It is memorable because the lyrics are so simple and the instrumentation is very unique making it a very catchy song.  Knowing Taylor Swift this song is probably about a mean ex boy friend.  The song is very simple and has literal meaning.  The melody of the song is also catchy and what the listener carries around in their head while thinking about mean people in their lives'.  The rhythm is regular and consistent and the timbre is simple just adding again to the simplicity of the song.  The intensity is loud and the pitch is high.  The song "Enchanted" is similar to the song "Mean" because the melody is also very catchy and the lyrics are simple.  The musical quality is different in many ways.  The timbre is complex not simple.  The speed is definitely slower than "Mean" and the intensity is softer.  Taylor Swift is a young artist and most people say she has a lot to learn about producing music.  She is very simple with her lyrics and yes sometimes that is bad, but she is also very relatable which causes her listener population to like her even more.  I like Taylor Swift and both songs are fun to listen to at different times, but my favorite is "Enchanted".  I like the whole mystical sense it gives off and the mood it puts me in when I listen to it.  Even though the instrumentation is not very unique I like it better than the instrumentation in "Mean".  The elaborate sound quality it gives off is impessive to me.  I also like Taylor Swift's voice in "Enchanted" better because she is holding notes longer and it is definitely more of a ballad style song.  Even though normally I like upbeat breezy songs like "Mean" I am a sucker for any type of fairy tale.  The song "Enchanted" is describing a fairy tale.     

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