Thursday, March 8, 2012

blog #7 animation deconstruction

     The two images I chose to analyze are from the ground breaking movie Fantasia.  The movie Fantasia is a series of different short animations set to famous Western classical music.  The first image I have chosen to analyze is from the short "Night on Bald Mountain".  It is about a devil like creature and its forces it has on a small town.  The hue or what is also known as actual color in the image are blue, black, and purple.  There is very little brightness in the image.  The little brightness or really darkness creates the mood of the short animation.  The evil creature is dark to represent he is obviously evil.  There is very little saturation of the colors.  The value of the colors is very dark and intense.  All the colors have a similar value.  The lighting in the first image is basically non-existent. There is some lighting surrounding the evil creature to create point of interest.  Besides the surrounding light the image is really in complete darkness and gives off a sense of darkness.  The lighting creates the mood which is scary. The evil creature terrorizes the villagers of the town.  There is no shadow in the first image.
    The second image is from the short animation "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" which features Mickey Mouse as an aspiring magician who over steps his limits.  The hues in the image are blue, red, and brown.  The colors are warmer than the colors in the first image.  The colors are bright and somewhat saturated.  The red and blue colors on Mickey Mouse really do stand out to the viewer causing him to be the point of interest through out the whole short animation.  The lighting in the image is directly on Mickey Mouse and it is very intense light, almost creating a spotlight on him.  The shadow on the ground coming from Mickey Mouse does create a sense of line towards the broom holding the buckets of water which creates some suspense in the scene.  The overall mood the image gives off is excitement and interest.  The difference between the two images is seriously like night and day.

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